Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Scalarrgh's Awkward Dance Solo

I made Scalarrgh from scratch, for 2D3D class. He was difficult to make for all of those weeks. And I thought I wouldn't miss him. But he saved me for this Common Art Project. I worked on skin weights for Sammy StarFish for the longest. They wouldn't work in my favor. Fortunately Scalarrgh poked by and presented new FUN challenges. I learned a LOT about painting weights. Really grateful for this exercise though it was difficult rigging for the first time.

Here are some images of Scalarrgh's final design:

Here is Scalarrgh doing his thing. I noticed while animating that his awkward skin test matched the bass music I'd been listening to along the way. Unfortunately I wasn't able to export my recording taken while rigging him, because Camtasia Studio 8 broke on my somehow. Maybe it's a server issue.

Sorry ahead of time, if the music choice doesn't fit you. Scalarrgh and I liked it a lot.

Scalarrgh is alive and that's super exciting. In case you don't read my youtube description:
'I rigged and animated my pirate, Scalaarrrgh. Guess the origin of his name? Painting the weights sort of kicked my butt--still I feel so much more excited about practicing rigging. I want to rig EVERYTHING! And I've found a new love for animating. Though this animation is not legitimate at all.

As for the Maximo models, I had the exercise of retargeting their skeletons and applying animations. So I was able to use what I learned from aligning their skeletons to animate Scalargh's fbx from Maya.

LOVE this mixtape sooo much!
Delicast 013 mixed by Henry Bergman

Scalarrgh's Awkward Dance feat. Controller


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