It is not perfect. But it is a great new start in unfamiliar territory. I am so happy that I was able to get to this spot. I seriously daydreamed about this point, as melodramatic as that sounds. Being behind was absolutely horrible. So to push through all struggles and limits was a feat and totally worth all of the effort. Next time I will do better with time management and will be able to ask more in-depth questions as I go--a habit that will result in faaar less struggles.
Here are my results and a few pics from the journey (eat teh cheese). I should present this better...
I did leave out the bump maps, but at the point of this previous two pics, I really missed the texture. Worked out in the long run though.
Infinity wall would not accept light in the workspace, but it did when the image rendered...
So happy to have learned so much about Mudbox. Was pretty exciting to use. But pain at times because of figuring out how to import maps and later dealing with my poor organization in the exported Photoshop layers. The layers weren't that horrible, but will be much more organized next time.
The UV's for my Mesh Instance are still messed up. I did follow instructions, but somewhere in the import bit, I got lost and so what was fixed, became broken once I changed light values.
My previous dark color map. I had to change it quickly. Had to make new parameters also, but that helped me learn how to use the interface in UE4 with more ease.
The following are just a few of my crucial maps. The color texture map, the norms, and the ambient Occlusion... I have quite a few more, such as the specularity map that I gathered from the color map, and there was also that position map .Still these are the ones that I got stuck on the most. It all worked out indeed. The tiniest details had me, but with help and research I fought and conquered! ( ^ 0 ^)
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